David’s Inspired Writings and Thoughts to Guide You
“The external world is a reflection of what’s inside you; the good, the not so good and everything in between. Are you enjoying what you’re experiencing? Because every moment of your day you’re choosing or you’re changing.”
— David Zarza

Inner Peace and What Gets In Our Way!
Yes, it is true that I have a preternatural amount of inner peace. I used to think I was boring (and that may be true) but I can literally calm someone down

How Healthy Is It to Go No Contact?
How Healthy Is It to Shut Someone Completely Out Of My Life? Super healthy and very often, completely necessary…for your and their growth!

I Think I’m Broken… What’s With That?
Is it even possible for a person to be broken? Yes! It is possible to have experiences that “break” our spirit, that “fracture” our psyche, that damage our body.

I Am So Angry At G*d, Is That Allowed?
To which god are you referring to? Honestly, which one of them are you referring to? G*d is real, gods are real, there are many and many of them

The Arrogance of Now, and the Gifts of Karma
I write this as a warning, likely to those who will never read these words, but I want them to exist in case they are read. You, who harms a child wrenched from the arms of

Understanding and Embracing Your Shadow!
Shadows are interesting things. In our physical world, a shadow is a dark bleak silhouette of our being, stretching out below us. And although a shadow may look similar

Sad is Like Happy for Deep People…
You know, its the little things that truly drive a point across to me. See, late last week I caught a cold and as the temperature here dropped into the 30’s then the 20’s,

Fate vs. Destiny & The Role Of A Psychic
When it comes to Fate vs. Destiny, what is a Psychic’s role in either and how can that help you? During freshman year at university, in the middle of an art class I sat in front of a

Is Confronting Challenges, Actually Normal?
Simple answer is….it depends! The real answer is more complex and depends on your specific challenge or your specific situation, but